The First Trimester

I’ve spent much of the first trimester googling the following:

“how to survive the first trimester”
“what helps first trimester nausea?”
“when does nausea subside in pregnancy?”
“pregnancy sucks”

My first 7 weeks have been interesting to say the least. To start, my body experienced pregnancy twice in a just over a month. That is a lot of hormones.

At 5 weeks, I was diagnosed with a sinus infection, but was not given antibiotics right away because of the pregnancy. I tried to fight the infection for a week before taking medication, and it was literally the worst week I have experienced in a long time. After taking medication, I began feeling incredibly nauseous all the time.

It is very difficult to be in the world when you are always hungry, but all kinds of food you normally enjoy looks disgusting to you, and you are simultaneously nauseous and don’t want to eat at all. I have tried a few different things to combat nausea, and have found that lemons, sparkling water, walking and fresh air seem to be doing to trick. Also, I have to spend extra time in bed in the morning with some kind of carb-heavy snack. I go to bed before 9pm on most days.

I miss the world and my friends. I miss being my full-self at work. I remember the days where I could teach 3 hours without passing out immediately afterwords, and the days I didn’t have to take naps under my desk at lunch.

I miss having something theoretical, political, or humorous to say about getting queer pregnant.

For now, I will just try to survive the next 5 weeks and hope that second trimester brings some relief.

4 thoughts on “The First Trimester

  1. Let me put on my midwife hat for a moment. Here a a few tricks you can try: carry a zip-lock sandwich bag with lemon or orange peels and smell them; try those magnetic wrist bands for motion-sickness; eat something before getting out of bed, and even if you get up to pee at night. And hang on! It gets better. If all else fails, there is diclectin (basically a B vitamin and an antihistamine). Good luck! Sick means still pregnant….


  2. Congratulations! My wife and I have been trying for the last year and a half…just waiting for IVF now. Thanks so much for sharing your journey didn’t realize there was another Brandon couple in the process. I hope the nausea settles down for you soon!


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